Sunday, August 19, 2018

New Razor, Fresh Enthusiasm

Despite the quirkiness of my particular Weishi adjustable razor (I hope its replacement isn't as quirky in its opening and closing requirements), I've found new enthusiasm for shaving with this adjustable razor that, finally, FINALLY, has an adjustable range that more closely meets my particular needs.

I had originally planned to return to my Parker Variant for today's shave. This would have allowed me to compare its shave to the Weishi adjustable. But I just couldn't. I couldn't resist another shave with this razor with a shave character that seemingly was designed with guys like me in mind, who need and appreciate razors with milder shave character.

This morning using a Dorco blade for its sixth shave, I took a with-grain first pass with the razor set to 4 (out of 7).

The second pass saw the razor set to 5 for a cross-grain pass.

The third pass strictly against the grain and the final clean-up strokes were done with the razor on 6 (of 7!!!).

I got a very close shave with minimal irritation and skin insult. I had a couple of very tiny pin-point weepers on my lower neck, which isn't bad for a close shave.

The mildness of this razor's adjustment range allows me to "sneak up" on a close, comfortable shave using its full range of adjustment capability. For very sharp blades, the lower end may be called for. Older blades nearing the end of their life cycle may allow for the most aggressive settings that this instrument can provide.


I'm already looking forward to tomorrow's shave.

Happy shaving!

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