
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Correction re: Steep-Angle Shaving Technique

Shawnsel has come to my rescue again. He kindly corrected my use of the term steep-angle shaving, which I had once again incorrectly used.

He pointed out that the steep-angle part of the technique name refers to the blade, not the handle. So the action of the razor blade, for you wood workers, is more like a scraper and less like a plane. For the rest of you non-wood workers, high-angle shaving is more like a paint scraper and less like a potato peeler.

This is not the first time I've done this (that is, made this error in the use of the term, steep-angle shaving); the concept is so basically counter intuitive to my thinking. This is because I seem to much prefer low-angle shaving, where the blade is slicing more than scraping across the face. My skin finds the slicing rather than scraping action of the blade to be less irritating.

I suppose that the larger angle of the blade to the skin will reduce the chance of nicks, scrapes and gouges; I suppose that's the benefit.

Anyway, thanks again to Shawnsel for helping me to get it right

Happy shaving!

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